Somewhere In Between

Ever since I was a child I got along with just about everyone however I still always felt like I was the odd one out. As I got older the trend seemed to follow and now I’m not quite sure if it’s related to my introvert personality, but it’s always been a little discouraging. At the ripe age of 27 I feel it a little bit more though. I’ve reached the age where I see all my friends graduated, having babies, starting their careers, getting married and buying their houses (in no particular order) and me? Well I’m stuck somewhere in between.

I barely graduated in December with my Bachelors and I’m neither in a relationship nor anywhere near having kids. The point is, it is rough feeling left out, alone or feeling like your life is not up to par with everyone else’s.  

What a terrible thing it is to start believing something is wrong for not being at a certain point or having particular “accomplishments” in life. It doesn’t help when I receive comments about time running out to find a partner to share my life with, or to have kids and, in turn, receive contradictory comments about focusing on a career and traveling. Let me tell you it’s confusing when you have people who aren’t living your life tell you how you should be living it; I already struggle with that on my own thanks.

Passed all that, what I don’t get is feeling like I’m just a step below everyone else or being introduced  as “my single friend.” I mean, out of any of my qualities or accomplishments, that is the best I can get? As if single is my most defining quality *eyeroll*. It’s sort of a double edged sword really, I don’t receive the same invitations to hang out or go out  but at times don’t like feeling like a tag along or any sort of extra wheel. Its almost a cruel joke. 

You know, it’s necessary to remind myself to take a step back and consider that no one walks life on the same path. I suppose being an adult doesn’t come with instructions and we’re all just trying to figure out how to balance and navigate through it all. I’ve done internships, had a mentor, became a freelance writer and going through applying and attending interviews for jobs in my field.

When I really stop and think about it, I’m not left out or the single, childless friend who’s still living with her parents while saving for a house... I’m just me, taking on life at my own pace, on my own terms. It’s neither discouraging or sad, it’s reality. 

It is just a matter of determining my mindset. 

 Until next time, 

  XO Hope