Monday Motivation

As spooky season ends, the comfort of warm blankets, fuzzy socks and sweaters begins to take over. Although fall officially started back in September, it’s only begun to feel autumnal the past couple of weeks and we’re only now starting to see the change. As I decorated my room accordingly this weekend, I managed to change my letter board quote—which I had not changed since the beginning of the year—and it felt inspiring, thus prompting this week’s Monday Motivation. It slipped my mind to actually take a photograph of said letter board, but nothing a quick little Photoshop creation couldn’t fix.

Hello Fall 2.jpg

Fall it a time of shedding the past seasons before we head into a season of new growth. This year I’m trying to appreciate this season a little more as I, along with many others I feel, have had a bit of a rough time. As the week continues, reflect on your season of change and focus on the beauty that can come from it.

Until next time,

XO Hope